AFC Trust Services, S.A., is a duly registered, supervised, and authorized company by the General Superintendency of Financial Entities (SUGEF), according to Law No. 7786, articles 15 and 15 Bis.
Tenemos más de 15 años de experiencia y brindando servicios en Costa Rica con un equipo de profesionales especializados y bilingües. Trabajamos a través de plataformas bancarias locales estatales y privadas, administrando sus fondos en colones y dólares.
All obtained information is stored in a confidential network with restricted and secure access, respecting the client's privacy.
Our custody service acts as an intermediary, facilitating the transaction, minimizing risks and guaranteeing an efficient process, where all parties comply with their previously agreed obligations.
We securely hold funds until all conditions are met, protecting the interests of both the buyer and the seller.
Our experienced team oversees the process, ensuring it runs smoothly.
"WARNING: The public is advised that AFC Trust Services, S.A. is supervised only in matters of prevention of money laundering, financing of terrorism, and financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and is also subject to binding provisions of the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Costa Rican Institute on Drugs. Therefore, SUGEF does not supervise AFC Trust Services, S.A. in financial matters, nor the businesses it offers, nor its security, stability, or solvency."
"I always recommend AFC's services to my real estate clients. With you, the escrow process flows smoothly and quickly. I really enjoy working with your team."
+506 4036 3000
+1 855 232 1948
Sabana Business Center, Sabana Norte, 9th Floor. San Jose, Costa Rica
+506 4036 3000
+1 855 232 1948
Sabana Business Center, Sabana Norte, 9th Floor. San Jose, Costa Rica