Tax Compliance Services

We support you in fulfilling your tax obligations

AFC asiste a las empresas en el debido cumplimiento de sus obligaciones tributarias ante el Ministerio de Hacienda. El servicio incluye la preparación, presentación y pago de las declaraciones autoliquidativas e informativas, según la periodicidad correspondiente.

Our Services:

Preparation, presentation, and payment of the self-assessment and informative declarations required by the Ministry of Finance and Local Governments:
  • Income Tax Return (D-101).
  • Partial payments of Income Tax.
  • Affidavit of withholding tax (D-103).
  • Real Estate Capital Income Tax (D-125).
  • Capital Gains Tax (D-149).
  • Capital Gains and Losses Tax (D-162).
  • Value Added Tax (D-104 monthly).
  • Annual information statements of Summary of Clients, Suppliers and Specific Expenses (D-151 if applicable).
  • Annual Summary Declaration of Withholdings and Single and Final Taxes (D-152).
  • Informative Declaration of Inactive Legal Entities (D-195).
  • Affidavit of Value Added Tax for the Special Regime for the Agricultural Sector REA (D-135).
  • Stamp of. Education and Culture.
  • Tax on Legal Entities.
  • Partial payments of Income Tax (D-108 quarterly).
  • Withholdings from Dependent Personnel Employment and Remittances Abroad (D-103 monthly).
  • Value Added Tax (D-104 monthly).
  • Annual information statements of Summary of Clients, Suppliers and Specific Expenses (*D-151 if applicable) and the Annual Summary Statement of Withholdings and Single and Final Taxes (D-152).

Service Testimonial

"We are very grateful for your punctuality and professionalism in the different work processes, as it allows us to stay up to date with the requirements we have with Procomer, Hacienda, CCSS, and INS."

Company in the Electronic Manufacturing Industry
